Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Journey Of Love Part 3

We left off in pt. 2 with Jay meeting Bey’s family. Jay had to put Mathew in his place….Mathew and Tina left the dining room so Bey, Jay, Solange and Kelly are still sitting at the dinner table in shock and total silence

Solo:*breaks the silence*  Ummmm Jay….no one has ever put my dad in place like that…you got guts bruhh….I like…you…..Bey….he’s cool in my book

Bey: *laughs* Thanks Solo

Kelly: Imma have to agree with Solo on that one too Bey….I can’t wait to tell Michelle…she’s gonna get a good laugh

*Kelly goes to call Michelle and Solange go watch TV and Bey is giving Jay a tour of the house*

Bey: ……and behind this door is..... *opens door* MY ROOM…TAAAA DAAAA *they enter*

Jay: WOW you are so corny

Bey: *pouts* Leave me alone

Jay: I really like it…when I was growing up…we couldn’t afford all of this….I like how you got all these pillows by your window…makes me feel like I’m a genie in a bottle or some

Bey: and I’m the corny one?

Jay: *laughs* You got jokes I see

Bey: Yea I sit over here and write songs….This is where I wrote Independent Women and Survivor

Jay: Oh word…I write most of my songs sitting on the toilet

Bey: *laughs* REALLY!!!!!! Thanks for sharing that

Jay: *laughs* Not like that…I mean the restroom is where I clear my head...the toilet is the only place I can sit down

Bey: *chuckles* I figured that’s what you meant *stares off*

Jay notices she’s thinking about something and he wants to know what she’s thinking about

Jay: Babe…..What’s wrong?

Bey: Oh nothing *sits down on the pillows*

Jay: Bey…I can tell something’s bothering you…now *sits down next to her* tell me what’s bothering you

Bey: I was just thinking about how I used to sit over here and…. Nevermind

Jay: Babe….what is it? Just tell me

Bey: Shawn…..promise me you would never do me wrong…..I can’t take another heartbreak

Jay: *looks her in the eyes* Beyoncé I promise…now babe please tell me

Bey: Shawn….when I was 13 I started dating this guy named Lyndell Locke….we dated until I was 19….he was my first love….my first everything….I really fell in love with him but he didn’t quite feel the same way about me…throughout the relationship he cheated on me…even with LaTavia from Destiny’s Child…so when I started talking about writing songs here I remembered I also cried myself to sleep a number of nights in this very spot *begins to tear up*

Jay: well Bey…thanks for sharing that personal thought with me…and I’m sorry you had to go through that…I promise you as long as you’re with me….you will never have to cry yourself to sleep…I will never as long as I have breath in my body do anything to intentionally hurt you….I don’t wanna lose you okay *puts his hand on her chin and holds her head up* Babe…look at me *Bey looks at him* I love you…and I really mean that

That was the very first time Jay told Bey he loved her…she felt the same was but never had the courage to tell him

Bey: I love you too Shawn *passionately kisses him*

Jay stay in Houston for a few more days then return to New York…Bey fly out to Miami to start recording her 1st studio album…they haven’t seen each other in months…so Jay decides to surprises Bey while she’s in the studio…Jay cracked the door open a little just to see her as she works

Bey: *singing in the booth* “You was on the wall….I was with my crew….You was watching me baby….I was watching you….Slowly you walked over….I maintained my cool….You said hello to me….I said hello to you” …….. Stop…Stop…Let me do that over I’m not feeling that take

Jay: *walks in*


Jay: Ummm I can’t visit?

Bey: Well sit down I’m almost finished

*Bey puts the finishing touches on “Yes” and calls it a wrap…her and Jay go to her hotel suite*

Bey: So why didn’t you tell me you where coming?

Jay: I wanted to surprise you…is that okay?

Bey: Of course it is….*sits in his lap* I’ve missed long are you in Miami for?

Jay: I leave tomorrow night

Bey: REALLY!!!!! I have tomorrow off…we can spend the whole day together…but ummm 
I’m not too familiar with this city so I don’t know what to do

Jay: It’s okay babe…Angie told me you had tomorrow off and I have a whole day planned for us *kisses her* Man I missed your soft lips *kisses her some more*

Bey gets off Jay’s lap and head toward the bedroom…she turns around and motions for Jay to follow her…Jay follow her to the bedroom…Bey lay down on the bed and pulls Jay on top of her…they start making out then Jay starts to unzip and pulls off her jeans

Bey: Babe what are you doing?

Jay: shhhh…lay back and relax

Jay takes off her panties with his teeth… this time Beyoncé is fully aware of what he is about to do but the thing is….she’s never gotten ate out before so she doesn’t know what to expect….so Jay starts teasing her by kissing her inner thighs...he feels that she’s starting to tens up so he goes back up and kisses Bey then whispered in her ear *I got chu babe…just relax…I promise you’ll like it*….he starts to lick her clit….and starts fingering her…Bey is enjoying every moment of it…Jay has been at it for a while now then…..


Jay knew exactly what Bey was tryna tell him…he continued until Bey had an orgasm….Jay goes to wash his face and brush his teeth while Bey get’s herself together

Bey: Oh my gawd….bae…I’ve never had that done to me

Jay: Really? Well….get used to it…I figured since you’re not ready to have sex…I’d please you that way

Bey: I can DEFINATLY get used to that *kisses him* and thanks

Jay: for what?

Bey: Waiting for me

Jay: Awweee….no problem….I respect your wishes boo *kisses her* Now….can I order some room service cause a nigga is hungry

Bey: *laughs* Of course…I’ll treat you since you just put in work

They order room service…order a movie …cuddle and fall asleep with Jay holding Bey tight yet softly

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