Monday, July 25, 2011

The Journey Of Love Part 6

First off we would like to say THANK YOU for taking the time out to read our blogs...make sure you check out our other blog "The Jayonce Experience", and click your reactions to the blog, follow both of us on twitter LaTrice (LatriceLovesBB) and Raven (RAELuvsBEY)....If you would like tweet us your thoughts as well.....okay enough of that here 
go the story

We left off with Bey reluctantly going to Jay’s condo….they talked and made up

Since the night at the condo Jay and Bey have been going strong…..Jay’s album The Blueprint 2 *the album with ’03 Bonnie and Clyde on it* came out….NOW it’s May 2003 and Bey is prepping for the album to debut….she’s in New York at a listening session for Columbia Records

Bey: Okay I would like to thank you guys for giving me an opportunity to share my music with the world…so let’s listen shall we….

Bey plays the whole album for the executives….once the last song end everybody is just sitting there

Mat: Well what do you think?

CR: Well umm BeyoncĂ©…..

Bey: Just say it….I’m an adult I can take it

CR: We don’t think the album is gonna do too good…well the singles at least aren’t a hit….Maybe you should push the album 1 more time and work on it some more

Bey: No I don’t want to push the album back anymore….let’s just put it out and see what it do….I have faith that it will do well

CR; Usually we say no….but you have proved us wrong a number of times with Destiny’s child… we’ll go with June 24 as the release date

Bey: Thank you

*Everyone leave and Mathew and Bey meet Tina and Solo for dinner*

Solo: Hey how did the listening go?

Bey: Horrible….they basically told me my album sucks

Mat: Now Bey…we both know they don’t know what the hell they talking about

Bey: Yea you’re right dad

Tina: Baby we can just pray and hope you prove them wrong….you’ve done it all the other times they doubted Destiny’s Child

Solo: Yea sissy…you gonna have a #1 album and they will deal

Bey: Thanks Solo

They finish dinner and Bey go over to Jay’s while Mamma Tina, Mathew, and Solange go back to Bey’s apartment.

Jay: *opens the door* Hey boo *kisses her* How are you?

Bey: Not too good

Jay: What’s the matter?

Bey: So you know I had my listening session for my album today right?

Jay: Yea how did it go?

Bey: HORRIBLE *starts to cry* THEY SAID *sniff* I DON’T HAVE A SINGLE HIT *cries harder*

Jay: *holds her* Awwee babe they don’t know what they’re talking about *wipes her tears* I have faith in you….*kisses her forehead*

Bey: *still crying* everyone keeps telling me that….why couldn’t Columbia see it…?

Jay: Cause they’re idiots…and babe did it ever dawn on you that they only said that to motivate you? I mean whenever someone tell you you can’t do something you always prove them wrong….maybe they knew you would do good and said you wouldn’t so you can work harder

Bey: Well I never thought about it like that

Jay: See babe you gotta think outside the box….watch you’re gonna get your first #1 album as a solo artist…you’ll see

They sit on the couch holding each other and watching TV….Bey fall asleep so Jay picks her up and takes her in his room…..He starts undressing her so he could put one of his T-shirts on her….as he is folding up her jeans a folded piece of paper fell out….it reads

“BeyoncĂ© Giselle & Shawn Corey together forever…July 4, 2002”

The note was a note he and Bey wrote together the day that they made it “official”. The note made him smile and showed him Bey really loved him for keeping it all this time….Jay finish putting Bey stuff away and got himself ready for bed….Time pass and Bey’s debut album comes out….she proved Columbia wrong *as always*….She got her first #1 album as a solo artist….She been doing heavy promotion and finally have a break the week of the 4th of July….She go to Houston for a few days to spend with family while Jay stayed in New York with his family

Jay: *to his mom* Hey umm ma…I need some advice

Gloria: What is it son?

Jay: Okay my 1 yr anniversary with Bey is Friday *yes July 4, 2003 was on a Friday* and I wanna do something special for her…What should I do?

Gloria: Well…….have a romantic dinner with her….just the two of you…no distractions and buy her something nice

Jay: Should I take her out to dinner or cook something

Gloria: I don’t want you poisoning her okay….So I’ll cook your favorite meal before she come over and you can take all the credit

Jay: Sound like a plan….okay so what should u buy her?

Gloria: You’re on your own with that one son

Jay: Okay well thanks ma….Love ya *kisses her cheek*

Gloria: Love you too baby

Jay leaves his mom’s house and head home and calls Bey

Bey: Hello?

Jay: Hey beautiful

Bey: Hey babe….how are you?

Jay: I’m good….missing you though

Bey: Miss you too….What cho plans for the weekend?

Jay: Well I was wondering if you would like to come up here and we kick it ya know

Bey: Kick it…? Aren’t you forgetting something?

Jay: Pssshhh oh yea it’s the 4th…duhh how can I forget

Bey: You remembered?

Jay: Of course I did…..How can I forget the day we became an independent nation? Come on Bey….seems like your forgot

Bey: In de pen dent Nation…really Shawn?

Jay: Shawn…uh oh what did I do?

Bey: Nothing don’t worry about it….umm I gotta go

Jay: Babe wait are you still gonna come up here?

Bey: ummm yea I guess….Bye Shawn

Jay: Okay…well I Love you

Bey: you too *hangs up….to herself* how could he forget?

1 comment:

  1. lol independent nation. he play too much! now she think he forgot hahaha
