Friday, August 12, 2011

He's Hurt

Bey sits there for an hour contemplating whether or not she wanted to call Jay….she wanted to call but didn’t know if he wanted to talk to her….so just gave up and didn’t call him

*knock knock knock*

Bey: *walking towards the door* Who is it?

Person: Me…just open up

Bey: *opens the door*

Person: Surprised to see me?

Bey: Why are you here….you ruined my relationship with Jay

Mekhi: Well…if you let me come in I can explain myself

Bey: NAAAA….you got 2.5 seconds to convince me not to kick yo punk ass

Mekhi: Look Beyoncé…..we both know you not gone do shit mmmkay…and secondly you ruined your own relationship by not telling Jay about us

Bey: there was never a “US”

Mekhi: Well from what I remember….

Bey: *interrupt*  Was it that good you can’t let me go a year later?

Mekhi: Naa I had better…but I must say you taste delicious

Bey: Okay it’s time for you to leave my doorstep

Mekhi: Okay…seriously I’m done harassing you…but I can admit…I still want you…but you clearly love Jay and imma start respecting that

Bey: Thank you

Mekhi: Bye Beyoncé *hugs her*

Bey: *hugs him back* Bye Mekhi

As they’re breaking their hug…Bey see a figure standing in the hallway out the corner of her eye…she looks in that direction and Jay is standing there

Bey: Hey Jay

Jay: I knew it…

Bey: Wait baby…it’s not what it seem like

Jay: Yea okay *turns to leave*

Mekhi: My guy she’s telling the truth…it’s seriously not what it seem like

Bey: *runs toward Jay* Baby see it’s really not….please don’t go

Jay: I don’t wanna hear it Bey….you had me walking around here looking like a damn fool…you played me

Bey: No I didn’t…I promise….please Jay…please don’t leave let’s talk about it

Mekhi: Hey man….just hear her out…I can tell she really loves you…don’t lose her like I did *leaves*

Jay: *looks at Bey*

Bey: *whispers* Shawn please

Jay: *sigh* Okay….lets talk

They go into Bey’s apartment and sit down on the couch…..neither of them say anything for a while…they just sit there like two bumps on a log

Jay: Bey

Bey: *interrupts* Before you say anything let me go first *sigh* Okay…me and Mekhi hooked up one time a few weeks after we finished our movie….we went to dinner…I had 4 to many drinks and was a hot mess….and as far as my tattoo I told him I wanted one…so he went with me….he paid for it only because I didn’t have any cash on me and they wouldn’t take my credit card….then we went back to his place and I regret every second of what happened there

Jay: Why didn’t you tell me before

Bey: Because…I don’t know….we weren’t even together….i mean we were but be had broken up because of the Miami incident

Jay: So you’re meaning to tell me…he got ya draws before I did…and I waited a whole damn YEAR!!!!!!

Bey: I told you I was drunk and I regret it

Jay: but Beyoncé….you fail to realize….i didn’t sleep with any female when we weren’t together because I knew we were gonna get back together…but you slept with the first dick that swung your way

Bey: but I was drunk


Bey: Stop yelling at me

Jay: Whatever…im leaving….i have nothing else to say to you….lets just move on

Bey: Jay……come on

Jay: Beyonce….you are the first person I let get complete control over my heart since my father left….When he left I said I would never love anyone again….but  you….you’re the only person I let see the kind hearted, romantic, loving side of me….and you betrayed me…it’s like you got my heart, stuck it in the freezer for it to freeze, and dropped it from the top of the Empire State Building…..i know I sound corny but it true

Bey: Shawn baby…I’m so….so…so sorry I never meant to hurt you…but

Jay: Save it……………..can you promise me something?

Bey: Yes what is it?

Jay: never will you hurt me like that again

Bey: I promise

Jay: *kisses her* I love you so much

Bey: I love you more babe


  1. wow i can't believe bey did that. poor jay :(
    but i'm glad they made up :) thanks for the update!!

  2. Ugh I am so glad Jay forgave Bey..for a second I thought he was really through..smh..they should have some crazy ass make up sex after this incident lol...keep it up good work I love it...
