Friday, August 19, 2011

Surprise..........I guess you can call it that

The next day there’s a hard knock at the door. Bey look over and see Jay sleep. They were both still naked from the night before.

Bey: Now who the hell can this be knocking on my door this early in the morning.

It was Mathew....Bey got scared because Mathew told her not to let Jay stay the night (you know he over protective)….but little did he know Jay done did more than stay the night with Bey (if ya know what I mean)….So Bey made her way to the door hoping Jay wouldn’t do anything to give them away

Bey: *wrapping herself in a robe* Coming!

Mat: Took you long enough.

Bey: Well good morning to you too daddy

Mat: Oh my bad *kisses her forehead* Good morning baby girl….you look well rested

Bey: Thanks….So what’s up why you here?

Mat: Oh I was in town for some business and I wanted to see you before I got my day started… that a problem

Bey: No not at all

Mat: Wanna go get some breakfast with me?

Bey: Well………

Just as Bey was about to try and get him to leave…..there was a loud thud from her room

Mat: What the hell was that?

Bey: The shower rod probably fell again it’s no big deal I’ll put it back up

Mat: Oh….well since I’m here I’ll do it for you

Bey knew that wasn’t the shower rod that fell…..It was Jay doing something he wasn’t supposed to be

Bey: No dad it’s cool…I’ll fix it

Mat: DANG Beyoncé chill….you been on edge ever since I got here……you not hiding anything are you?

Bey: UHHHHH…….Nope

Mat: Okay…well I guess I’ll leave then…..bye sweetheart

Bey: *kisses his cheek* Bye daddy… you

Mat: Love you too *leaves*

Bey: Thank God he’s gone

Bey went to go see what made that loud ass sound. She opened the bed room door and see Jay on the bed cracking up laughing.

Bey: What was that sound were you trying to get us caught?

Jay: Damn chill babe…….I was getting dress and my shirt got caught on my head somehow and I ran into the dresser, shit when that happen I was about to jump out the window.

Bey: *laughing* WOW and I thought I was clumsy

Jay got up and gave her a big bear hug. Bey was still in her robe and he took his hand and grabbed her ass.

Bey: Stop Jay

Jay: You wasn’t saying that last night,

Bey: *blushing* Shut up!

Jay: *kisses her* Ugh Bey I gotta go…..I have a meeting in a hour I still gotta go home and take a shower

Bey: You know you can shower here

Jay: Yea but my clothes and everything at my house

Bey: *sigh* Fine….I guess I’ll find something to do today

Jay let go of their bear hug and Bey walked him to the door.

Bey: Call me when you get out your meeting

Instead of answering he leaned over and gave her a kiss. Bey watched him as he walked away and got in the elevator….

Bey: I can get use to this.

Bey took a shower and decided to take a nap…..When she woke up she had 2 missed calls from Jay…..She calls him back

Jay: Hello?

Bey: Hey babe….I was sleep when you called….

Jay: Oh I see you still tired from what I put on ya huh?

Bey: *laughs* Shut up Jay

Jay: *chuckles* I know boo…but did I leave my chain at your house?

Bey: Yea I found it when you gone come and get it

Jay: I don’t know. I got to go to Miami for another meeting in a few.

Bey: Ugh really…..I was hoping I could see you again tonight….but I guess I’ll bug Solo or somebody

Jay: I’m sorry….it’s business…but when I get back in a couple days I’ll be all yours

Bey: A couple days!!!! I’ll be back in Texas by then

Jay: Damn baby….

Bey: Don’t worry....we’ll figure something out…well I’m finna get up and find someone to bother I’ll talk to you later

Jay: Okay then bye *hangs up*

Bey: *looks at phone* Well damn….I love you too

As Bey is putting some clothes on there’s a knock on the door

Bey: Coming!!! *opens the door*

Jay: Surprise!!!!!!!

Bey: What are you doing here….You’re gonna be late for your flight?

Jay: Naaaa I pushed my meeting back….

Bey: Why?

Jay: I can’t spend time with you before you go back to work?

Bey: Awwee baby that’s so sweet *kisses him*

Jay: Yea know

Bey: *laughs* You are so cocky

Jay: Yea I know….and you love it

Bey: That’s true


  1. Aaaaaaawwwwww :') Jay is so romantic <3
    i just love them two! Your blog is so great!! more!! :))

  2. i love them!!! this was so cute!!! i love it when there's no drama.....well sometimes! this was really good. thanks 4 the update!

  3. Things are so perfect right now...just a little too perfect though...I think something will happen soon...but until then Bey and Jay are just so fuckin cute together..I love update soon please...
