Friday, August 5, 2011

Skeletons In Your Closet

Jay: *exhausted from putting in work* Bey….that was definitely the wait

Bey: Yes it was….Thank you

Jay: For what making you cum over and over…no problem

Bey: THAT and for waiting as long as you did

Jay: Oh no need to thank me…..I thank you…see by making me wait to get ya draws

Bey: *cuts him off* Really Jay you gotta say it like that *mocks him* “Ya draws”….make me sound like a piece of meat or something…..I hope that’s not what you think this is….you NOT gonna just leave me now so you can say *in her man voice* “I got Beyoncé’s draws”….I be damned

Jay: Bey….uhhh…Sasha….Baby thug….whoever you are….chill okay…it’s just a figure of speech….and I’m not going nowhere...I already told you that

Bey: But....

Jay: *cuts her* Beyoncé if you say Lyndell’s name one more time….we gonna have a serious problem….we just got done have some great sex…the last thing I wanna do is hear you compare him to me…*turn her head towards him*Look at me….I’m not Lyndell okay….I’m not gonna fuck you over….i know what I have…he’s a punk ass bitch for letting you slip away like that….so from here on out you will not mention his name

Bey: Sir yes sir

Jay: Now….would you be kind enough to fix me a sandwich?

Bey: Nigga are you serious?

Jay: It’s kinda habit…once I lay down the pipe….I eat a sandwich and go to sleep….it helps me build up my stamina…SO I like turkey *kisses her* Thank you

Bey: You lucky that I know how to fix a sandwich...*puts on one of 
Jay’s t shirts* well can you at least come keep me company in the kitchen?

Jay: Sure *puts on his boxers*

*In the Kitchen*

Bey: So what all you want on your sandwich?

Jay: I want….


Bey: Jay baby what the fuck was that?

Jay: I don’t know sounds like someone is tryna break in…shhh go back in the bed room and don’t come out until I come get you okay

Bey: But I’m scared

Jay: Beyoncé baby I know…but I need you to do as I say okay
Bey heads to the bedroom….From the sounds of thing Jay knew the guy and his voice sound familiar….Jay and the guy are arguing and the arguments seem to be about her….she slowly makes her way in the hallway to get a better listen

Jay: *irritated* Look my guy….she’s with me now and there’s nothing you can do about it okay…so imma need for you to get you happy go get ass out my house okay

Guy: I know she’s here…from the looks of it you just got done fucking her and she was making you a sandwich…While you were fucking her did you see the tattoo on her left thigh….yea she got that for me….I laid down the pipe REAAAAAAALLLL good for her to get that…

Bey: *walks in* Jay baby don’t believe him….he’s lying

So guys….who do you think the guy is? I mean tattoo on her left thigh…..him and Jay know each other well enough for Jay not to beat his ass for “breaking in his house”….Bey un say gworl are your skeletons tryna come out your closet? Leave your reaction, comment, or tweet us on twitter about it Latrice or Raven


  1. Damn this is so crazy and to happen on their special night..smgdh...damn I don't even have a clue of who it could be y'all have me good on that part...please come with the next post...I have to know who it is lol

  2. WHOAAAA. DAMN. i thought the man was maybe Lyndell? but then u said somebody jay idk......i NEED AN UPDATE I NEED TO FIND THIS OUT!!!!! lol please hurry!!
